Information About Our Organization


>The Elected Officials for V.V.A. Chapter 142<



Dr. Dennis Warner, D.C.


-1st Vice President-

Larry Richter


-2nd Vice President-

Mark Wenzel



Betty Cannon



Frank Jay


-Board of Directors-

Don Cannon

Ken Diegel

William Goodman

Bud Lajiness

Orville Sweat

Larry Richter

Rodney Welliver

Juanita Shellito


-Associate Liason-

Nancy Diegel


-State Delegates-

Ken Diegel

William Goodman


Louis Barnett


-Public Affairs-

Glenn Podhola


-Color Guard-

Rodney Welliver


-Heck Park Maintenance-

Otto Holm


-Heck Park LRP Team-

Glenn Podhola


-Memorial Wall Additions-

Dennis Warner

Grant Kosino



Ken Diegel


-Veteran Affairs-

Bill Goodman


-Product Sales-

Ken Diegel


-Newsletter Committee-

Glenn and Jan Podhola

Ken amd Nancy Diegel

Dennis and Linda Warner

Larry and Linda Richter

Karen Dunsmore

Frank Jay

Date Time and Location of Chapter 142 Meetings

Membership meetings are always on the first Saturday of the month at 8:30 AM and are held at the Monroe V.F.W. Post 1138

located at 138 East Front Street in Monroe, Michigan.

Board of Directors meetings are held on the third Tuesday of each month.

These meetings are at 6:30 PM, are open to all members, and are also held at the Monroe V.F.W. Post 1138.




-Chapter 142 Fundraisers-  

An ongoing fundraiser for our chapter is the

"Walk of Freedom Brick Sale."

Click below to

Get the form-buy a brick


This helps us to maintain the Vietnam Veterans Memorial at Heck Park.

The application form can be downloaded by clicking the above 'Get the form' link,

and also are located in the newspaper box at Heck Park next to the Kiosk.

Forms can also be obtained from any officer or board member.

-Chapter 142 Information Contacts-

For General Information call the Chapter Hotline at (734) 457-4838



Important Phone Numbers to Have

State Service Coordinator: Don Cannon (313) 961-9568

George Claxton, State Service Coordinator (313) 961-9568

Vickie Adams, Veterans Director (734) 240-7362

S.E. Michigan Veterans Service Center (734) 242-5895

State Council President: Don Cannon (734) 848-4088

V.V.A. Chapter 142 Hotline (734) 457-4VET

V.V.A. Chapter 142 encourages you to contribute articles to our award winning LZ 142 newsletter.

Please bring your article to a Chapter 142 meeting


-From Every Mountainside Let Freedom Ring-  

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